
February 25, 2024

An interview with a nonagenarian

He waltzed into my OPD holding his tripod, and placed a thin sheet of paper on my table. I glanced at his registration card- 95 years, […]
June 29, 2023

When Do We Draw the Line?

“Doctor, please be honest. Does she stand a good chance to come out of this? I am ok to spend more, and bear all the expenses, […]
May 14, 2023

Always mom

I peered into those reports. Her kidney function tests were borderline high, as were her sugars. “We may have to go up on the doses of […]
February 28, 2023

“No need Doctor…”

“No need Doctor, He’s too old anyways..” an oft-heard statement outside the ER rooms of hospitals.   “I couldn’t quite live with the idea that one […]
September 21, 2022

Three patients and a memory issue.

Patient 1 – “ …and one more issue” he adds after I have addressed his concerns with his medical illnesses. “I have some mild problem with […]
July 23, 2022

Who is old?

They brought him to my outpatient clinic. His file read Mr V, 90 years. The tall built elderly gentleman, flanked by his two sons on either […]
July 12, 2022

Born again

He was now conscious, and off the ventilator. His vitals were stable although he would require a few more sessions of dialysis. When the 84-year-old man […]