We provide quality care where it matters

Care of the bedridden patient

We provide care where services are difficult to reach. Our skilled team of professionals brings health care to the bedside to help manage the complications that bedbound patients routinely encounter.

Dementia support

Navigating changes in behaviour related to dementia can be challenging. That’s why we offer, evidence-based support to help manage complex dementia care to improve the quality of life for people living with dementia and their carers.

Fall prevention strategies

Falling is not a normal part of aging. Our team’s fall risk assessment helps reduce the risks of a fall and provide solutions to keep you safe at your home.

Home based care

We understand that older persons dread hospital visits. Our team ensures that your loved one gets the right treatment at the right time avoiding unnecessary hospitalization.


Because we believe we all are the same age inside.

It is never too late to improve the quality of life

Ageing is a global phenomenon. The world’s population is ageing due to increasing life spans and decreasing birth rates. As more and more of us live longer and healthier lives, we need to plan well as we grow older, and work toward the kind of health care system we’ll need in the future.


Satisfied patients

Common problems and diseases

Common ‘old age related’ Problems
Common diseases in aged people

Please consult with our team of experienced professionals to see how we can help you.


Who are Geriatricians?

Geriatricians are doctors specialised in elderly care. Elderly care is often complex with multiple diseases, too many medicines and with other mental and social issues. Our team of professionals see the patient as a whole and ensures that you age gracefully.
We also provide medical support for